DSR's jubilæumsløb (15/04/2012)
Category: Konkurrence
Map/area: Ravnsholt
Organiser: Allerød OK
Country: Denmark
Distance: 10.61 km
Time: 70:04
OK start, mistake at 7 where I run too far to the west before getting down the slope. At 11 I expect a higher "hill", don't see that it is only a form line and not a contour line.17 would have been faster taking the northern route. At 21 I meet Leonard, and promptly make a parllel mistake (think I am further north). But that is it. Never run slower than 7 min/km, but then it also was rather easy course.
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DSR's jubilæumsløb (15/04/2012) DSR's jubilæumsløb (15/04/2012)