VTR Klinteskoven (2011-11-20)
Categoría: Konkurrence
Mapa/área: Klinteskoven
País: DK
Distance: 2.17 km
Time: 15:06
Not very happy run. Went in too early for 1, thougth I was further on way to 2 as fresh tractor tracks were mistaken for pathes by me. To 3 I take a safe route choice, shows up that it also is fast. 4 is too far to the west for my taste. Somehere here I sweat so much that in the foggy weather my glasses fog when I slow down. I decide to follow a competent looking group of people to 6. Big mistake as this takes me to far east. To seven I stop seeing things on top of the hill. It gets worse to 8, which is in thickets. Gets more like night-o here. To 10 it is not possible to stay up due to brambells. 17 comes to soon. 18 is hopeless as it is in thickets and I do a rerun of 8 not seeing the control for staggering 8 minutes.....dreadful. Hilltraining would also help and maybe I should have stayed out of Boserup on Saturday....
and finally I forgot to start the GPS, so it is a handdrawn track (maybe a bit more positive than the GPS? )
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VTR Klinteskoven (2011-11-20)