Jættemilen 2012 Bane 2, Part 2 (11/11/2012)
Категория: Konkurrence
Карта/область: Krogenberg og Nyrup Hegn
Организатор: ok73
Страна: Denmark
Длина пути: 7.33 km
Время: 54:45
No remarks, but progressively more tired. 34-39 are in a distinct different forest. Less to read. Run out bad from 42 and have to go around, certainly another badly spend minute or two. Same to the last control 45, but then it is done. 20k effective running for 16.5 k and 2:23:56 or 144 minutes, or 8.7 minutes per km. If only I hadn't been so thirsty at 16........
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Jættemilen 2012 Bane 2, Part 2 (11/11/2012) Jættemilen 2012 Bane 2, Part 2 (11/11/2012)